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Lord Of Losses

Updated: Jul 22, 2022

Worn tyres with thin tread can lead to big headaches on the road. You’re more likely to get a flat tyre, lose traction with the road, or hydroplane. Thankfully, knowing when to replace tyres is easy to determine with the tyre coin test or by reading your tread wear bar. Follow along and we'll show you two simple methods for how to check tyre tread depth. Both take less than a minute to do! METHOD 1: USE THE TIRE COIN TEST

The easiest method of checking tire tread depth will only cost you at most 2 dollars! Grab a coin. Turn the heads side you, so that you can see the head. Insert the coin upside down (with the head pointing into the tyre) in between the tyre tread. How's the hair? Can you see the top of the coin's head? This means your tyre tread has worn down to an unsafe level and it’s likely time to buy new tyres. a 10 cent coin is recommended for this method, you can use others though. The same concept applies: if you can see the top of the coin's head, your tyre tread has worn past the point of safety. Regardless of which method you use to check your tyre tread depth, be sure to measure all of your tyres, not just one! Some tires may have more wear than others.

METHOD 2: CHECK THE TREAD WEAR BAR Some tyres have a built-in tread wear indicator. This feature can make it easier to know when your tyres need to be replaced. Indicator bars are found in between your tyre treads, and when the tread depth is even with the bar, it’s time to replace your tyres. Not all tyres have these bars, but light truck, medium commercial, and performance tyres are often equipped with them.

TURN TO THE TYRE PROFESSIONALS Still not sure when to replace tyres on your vehicle? Let the knowledgeable technicians at Wheels Of Wanneroo help. From checking your tyre tread depth and pressure to helping you choose the right new tyres, we can offer expert advice to keep your vehicle riding smoothly—and safely—on the road. It may take longer than a minute to head to your nearest Wheels Of Wanneroo, but your safety is worth it!

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